Magnesium - has a beneficial effect on bone growth; normalizes heart rate, reduces blood pressure; regulates blood sugar levels; eliminates muscle cramps; reduces joint pain.
Miroslava Craft
Under the trademark "Miroslava Сraft" premium class cheeses are produced, which also include aged cheeses made from high-quality milk with the addition of only natural components.

The TM "Miroslava Сraft" line is developing dynamically and is increasingly replenished with new designs, flavors and ingredients.

Zinc is a part of every existing enzyme system in the body and is part of over 300 metalloenzymes involved in the metabolism of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and nucleic acids.
Phosphorus is necessary for the formation of bone tissue, helps maintain energy balance, normalizes acid-base balance, and acts as the main material for the structure of brain cells.
Calcium is needed for building and maintaining bones and teeth, blood clotting, transmission of nerve impulses, and regulation of heart rhythm.
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